Boost STOL and flight performance with our Winglet mods, specially designed for Cessna Skymasters

Our exclusive Skymaster winglets are designed to improve efficiency, performance, and your overall flight experience.

Performance Enhancements Results:

1. 100 feet decrease in takeoff ground roll (as well as landing roll because of slower touch down speed)

2. 75+ feet per minute increase rate of climb

3. 8 mph increase in cruise speed at 10,000 feet (over 10 mph increase at 18,000 feet)

4.  6 mph decrease in stall speed

5.  6 mph decrease in takeoff and landing speed

6. Significant increase in aileron responsiveness

7. Increase in glide ratio

An overall increase in performance of ~5%!

Read more about the history and benefits of winglets in the article, Are Winglets Worth Installing on Your Skymaster? Flight Test Results Revealed.

Winglets and Medium Tail Boom Fairings

Winglets and Large Tail Boom Fairings

*Winglets can be used with and do not interfere with either the Horton or Robertson STOL modifications

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